Building Size | 55,216 |
Acreage | 12.12 |
Office Space | +/- 500 |
Ceiling Height | 19'6" - 26' |
Truck Doors | 4 Dock high 1 Drive in |
Dimensions | Varied |
Bay Spacing | 38' x 26' |
Parking | 45 Paved Spaces |
Zoning | Industrial |
Date Available | 90 Days |
Last Use | Sock manufacturing |
Selling Price | Subject to offer |
Lease Rate | N/A |
Age | 1980's |
Condition | Very good |
Walls | Pree-engineered metal |
Floors | Concrete |
Roof | Pre-engineered metal |
Water | City of Ramseur |
Sewer | City of Ramseur |
Electric | Duke Energy |
Gas | PNG |
Heat | Gas fired units |
Sprinkler | 100% wet |
Lighting | LED |
A/C | Office plus 50% |